#1 : SKLPT Your Body - Start Strong Package

  • Includes a customized monthly workout program so that all the time and energy you’re putting into your workouts will lead to amazing results
  • One video coaching call a month to discuss any challenges you’re facing and make a strategy plan to keep you on track
  • Access to my facebook support group with weekly success calls to keep you motivated and inspired.

#2: SKLPT Your Body - Signature Package

  • Includes a personalized monthly workout plan including videos to ensure all workouts are performed at an optimal level
  • Option 1 – Bi- weekly video coaching calls to review your goals, discuss any blocks you’re facing and provide homework to help improve your mindset
  • Access to my Facebook support group to keep you accountable and provide you with a platform where you can share and celebrate your wins

# 3: SKLPT Your Body - VIP Coaching Package

  • Includes a customized monthly workout plan including videos to ensure all workouts are performed at an optimal level
  • A customized 7 day meal plan including grocery list and recipe guide to keep your meals exciting
  • Weekly video coaching calls to keep you on track, discuss any mental blocks you’re facing along your fitness journey and provide you with tools to help you overcome them
  • Access to my facebook support group with weekly success calls to keep you motivated and inspired